Thursday, 19 May 2011


Growing up in a big family is great preparation for the big world. I’m in a family of two parents and five children (5 handsome men and two gorgeous ladies). Some, okay three, are already married, two in stable relationships and well, two are still trynna find themselves. And what I love about the family is the diversity. It’s one thing I’ve learnt to appreciate. I also love the sense of connection.
A sense of connection is the realization that going through life with other people is a better way to go. What often make relationships more interesting are our differences. The kind of family am in has made me accept and prefer that I am one small cog in a big giant wheel that includes family, friends, co-workers, strangers-all kinds of connections. And I’ve learnt that it’s the quality of these connections that determine the quality of my life.
Some people find out much too late in life that they are not the centre of the universe. The size of the family alone was enough to let me know the world doesn’t exactly revolve around me as much as I’d love it to. I’m glad I faced that fact early enough. I never got any attention even when I thought I needed it most.
Bellah, I know you are reading this. Yeah, I need you back. Chic, life sucks without you!! I want you to get this clear. It’s not what happens in life that matters; it’s how we respond to what happens that is. Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go and you learn at once how big and precious it is. Happiness depends on happenings but joy is an inside job. You are definitely old enough to decide your life’s course but please do consider what they rest of us are currently going through given your bad choices. I’m even surprised at myself I’ve been having sleepless nights because of you! It’s clear; I love you and seriously don’t deserve this!
The size of my family has taught me how to relate with others. It has made me aware of my limits and place in the society. Our differences are what make life worth living. So if you can’t accept others for who they are, it’s time you knew your views don’t count.


  1. Nice story but do you mind to tell us more
    about who she is for example.

  2. that you asked,i might as well get more detailed..and do keep them coming.i appreciate you
