Friday, 29 April 2011


                  My late friend sent me a letter while I was still in high school and I thought I should share it with you. It was actually the last one he wrote me before he passed on sometime last year. Here it goes:

My friend,
I wish you well. May the flame that tempers the bright steel of your youth never die, but burn always; so that when your work is done and your long day has ended, you may still be like a watchman’s fire at the end of a lonely road-loved and cherished for your gracious glow by all wayfarers who need light in their darkness and warmth for their comfort.

The spirit of wonder and adventure, the token of immortality was given to you as a child. May you keep it forever, with that in your heart which always seeks the gold beyond the rainbow, the pastures beyond the desert, the dawn beyond the sea, the light beyond the dark.

May you seek always and strive always in good faith and high courage, in this world where men grow so tired.
Keep your power to receive everything; only learn to select what your instinct tells you is right.
Keep your love of life but throw away your fear of death. Life must be loved or it is lost; but it should never be loved too well.
Keep your delight in friendship; only learn to know your friends.
Keep your intolerance-only save it for what your heart says is bad.

Keep your wonder at great and noble things like sunlight and thunder, the rain and the stars, the wind and the sea, the growth of trees and the return of harvests, and the greatness of heroes.
Keep your heart hungry for new knowledge; keep your hatred of a lie; and keep your power of indignation.

In thought, as a last benediction, I hug you tight. Good night to you-and good morning and a clear dawn.

Today is his memorial. I can not exactly ascertain the originality of the letter but it’s one of the things I read every day when I wake and just gives me the focus.

Thursday, 28 April 2011


Hope from Nowhere
by Joel S. Andrada Jr.

I’ve understood nothing
except the murdered height of mountains peak,
the heat of the sun at twelve,
the memories of yesterday,
the action of my sins.
I wait for floating clouds to stop moving,
for my mind, heart, skin
teeth and soul are longing;
and the air smells of rotten leaves
and the shadows around me rises.
When will this end?

This was a poem written by one of my favorite poets and close friend. It’s my favorite in his collection. You know hope is all there is to life. A normal human being can take 40 days without food, 8 minutes without air but not a second without hope. Hope is drawn from faith. And without faith life is meaningless.

Jana I was having a conversation with 2 of my atheist friends. I was just curious to know from what perspective they view God. “He is the most ignorant thing I know. In fact I respect our roman gods more. The roman gods never promised us a thing. They never told us they loved or cared for us coz it’s true they didn’t! But here is a God who promises honey and milk when all I go through every other day is pain and frustration. He tells me he cares when he can’t show up when I need him most. He tells me he loves me when he can’t hold my hand to see me through my losses and hurts. If he is so omnipotent, what’s so hard about preventing all these from the start?”One of them said.

This was one guy who’s been through a lot and if you think the tough times you’ve had in your time are humongous, my dear, there are people who’ve been through worse. This friend of mine lost his faith but not hope. His trust in God dwindled but funny how he still believes there’s hope at the end of the tunnel. Hope is what gives us the fortitude to hang in there knowing our loving God will fix stuff for us. It gives us the strength to brave our way through tough storms knowing there’s a brighter tomorrow. Yes, it gives you the strength to rise up from your ashes, claim your dignity, hold your head high in defiance and move on with your life.

Tough times never last, tough people do. Where you are now is not the issue, it’s where you want to go. And trust me; hope coupled with faith can take you there. Now, have a hope filled day, won’t you!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


I hate having to talk about this but one way or the other, reality must be faced!! Ok, wait. My morning hasn’t been the loveliest. One, I woke up late (at 5.00 a.m) and so couldn’t catch up with the news. My alarm didn’t go off (could be too old for its liking I guess!), that’s why. I hate having to wake up late coz it messes my whole schedule plus I’m always so worked up at the end of the day. Secondly, I’m offline-can’t call Reagan and Wajia, can’t text Sunshine and Raj as routine has it. These are the people who keep my sanity on check and at least make me feel human enough. I even forgot to wake Raj (my sleepy-head) up and I’m praying he’s not late for his classes (CPA lectures which he so ‘loves’!). Third, I had missed out on a programming job yesterday and the disappointment hadn’t worn off as such. To seal it all, I got to the office only to realize I had left the keys in the house!! How worse can my days get?!!? That aside.

When I was four, dad told me an enemy is anything or anyone that stands on our way as we race to the top. Basically put, they are the obstacles and distractions that come our way on the road to success. And trust me, I have several enemies!! Apparently one of my biggest challenges right now is to challenge my laziness and self doubt. I’m too lazy to even take initiative. I’ve lost the self trust I used to have. And where did all the enthusiasm I had go? I cringe whenever I confess this but change will only come through my acceptance of this truth: I AM MY BIGGEST ENEMY!!

I don’t know why but I’m always fighting against myself. “I can’t do this”, “I can’t afford this”, “I’m still too young for that” and so many other lame excuses the world has had no crutches for. Must I always deny myself access to stuff I so badly need? Why do I say “I can’t afford it” to a house or car I’ve always dreamt of owning? Why do I say “I can’t do this” to something that will be of benefit to me at the end of the day? Must I always lose trust in myself whenever responsibilities arise? Now this is what dad would call pure insanity!!

Saying I am contented to be where I am presently would be a bit glib. I am more than ready to change. And changing from being my worst enemy to my best friend is not exactly very easy but I got to do it. To refuse change is to get oneself into a rut and the difference between a rut and a grave is the dimensions! And seriously, I haven’t achieved enough to want myself dead!!! What legacies have I to leave behind anyway?

If there’s someone I love it’s Sila Joy Monthe! She is just the best friend anyone would ask for. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have discovered I was my biggest enemy let alone taking my biggest step towards acceptance. She can get really ruthless when I don’t run my life as I should but I still can’t help but thank her for the far I’ve come. Great pal there.

You don’t have to deny yourself the satisfaction of having what you want!! You’ve done that severally already and I’m assuming you’re familiar with the pain of not having what you love. So give yourself a rest (a change is as good as that anyway) by being your best friend. That transition is thrilling!!You sure don’t want to miss out, do you?

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience. Experience has always been the best teacher since time immemorial. And that just means life, in itself, is a school. Everyone goes to school yes but not everyone gains something.

In Kenyan schools, we have the metric system of conversion. Apparently, I learnt distance conversion all the way from primary school but funny how there’s nowhere else am applying that knowledge-not even in my kitchen! Blame that on the irrelevant education system!! Ok, wait. Why am I just too quick to pass the blame on? I sat in a Chemistry class, made several chemical concoctions, came across loads of elements, carried out experiments (most of which backfired!!!!) but the fact that there’s hardly any procedure left in my head means I didn’t gain a thing. It’s clear; I did all that to pass my end of high school exams, which, thanks to God, I did!! Why did I even go to school for starters? To secure a place in a public university and be a dummy for the rest of my life?  Beats me!!
A wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others mistakes. But the wisest of all from others’ successes. Making a mistake is one thing and learning from it is another. I think our biggest problem is escapism. We make mistakes and instead of analyzing the actual feelings behind them, we run away from them by giving lame justifications. Sunshine once told me that the mistakes we make are actually more pardonable than the excuses we think up to cover them. This is true! She must have quoted it from somewhere though-her uncanny self! Monthe if you are reading this, you better affirm!! Ha!

I’ve made several mistakes in my time. Some, sad to say, never helped me much since I didn’t embrace them. So no change came by. But I’m glad I ain’t who I was yesterday-that’s worth a celebration, right? Learning from other’s successes defines wisdom! It saves you so much pain and regrets. It also redefines your focus.  

Monday, 25 April 2011


Marriage was meant to be enjoyed, not endured. It was meant to be fun, not hard work. If you find yourself working too hard to impress, then it’s high time you redefined your social standards. I know of people who never realized they were with the wrong partner until it was too late. By too late I mean they had gotten into marriage and borne kids and all they had left was tolerance for each other. At this point you can never be too choosy because of the limited options. You seriously don’t want to find yourself in a similar situation, do you? Then it’s time you knew who you want in your life and why. Either way, you must learn to tolerate others. Love is not about looking for a perfect person but loving the imperfect perfectly. If you are looking for a perfect person, when you get there you’ll mess their whole lives with your imperfection!!!!
This post is long due. I should have posted it on Saturday but better late than never. I wasn’t too lazy to compose this. I was in one of my many energy saving modes. After being offline for a whole week and this was because I needed to put my life back on track, I decided to call Rajab Raj Idris, my closest boyfriend, really? There could be more to our friendship but I think it’s still too early for us to play our cards...*wink*pssst… I have a thing for innocently charming men like him; Men with an acute sense of humor, rare intelligence, responsible, God-fearing and affectionate. Men who don’t just nod to every order I bark. Men who are ready to take care of me even though doing it myself wouldn’t be a task. Men who can stomach my intelligence without feeling threatened. You’re allowed to hit me back to my senses when I fall head over heels in love. Hehehe…but at least until now am still intact-head over ears in love!!
 By the way, if there’s one thing I’m proud of it’s my heart. It’s been crashed, insulted and broken into by undeserving people but somehow it still has the strength and fortitude to function and see me through a rough day. It’s been lied to and cheated on but somehow it still allows me to gather self pride enough to make me hold my head high in defiance. It’s been torched but somehow it still gives me the faith and hope to gather my ashes and move on. It has survived all the pain, sorrows and tortures of my time. My heart doesn’t deserve all this and were it not for the dishonesty and irresponsibility of my generation, it would have been enjoying its existence. What more could be worth my pride? Tell me.
The world would have been a much better place if everyone learnt to be honest from the word go.  There would be less hurts, less pain, less tears, no frustrations, you name them! It would have been the best place to be if everyone embraced responsibility as a virtue. When I called Raj on Saturday, there’s something notable he told me and I quote “Alizo, do me a favor. Never expect too much from life and its people.” The weight of the statement didn’t exactly sink in till later that night when I got the time to reflect on the events of the day. It later struck me that about the only reason why I get disappointed severally is because I always expect everyone to live up to my standards. I’m too demanding-responsibility wise.
Back to my ideal man. What I’m looking for is not perfection but authenticity. I’m after someone who’s real; genuine. But he better not be predictable!! Life will be boring if I know how you’ll react to every surprise I stage. My man should be able to think on his toes. I don’t do ‘yes-men’ or negative ‘can’t-do-it’ people. Life is too short to let stupid cynics ruin it for me. I want a man who will face me and say, “Alizo, you’re making all the wrong decisions and I’m not exactly proud of you” whenever I make the bad choices. Yes, someone who will hold my hand and show me the way when I lose track. Is this too much to ask? If “no wonder you’ll never get married” is what you have in mind, don’t worry, I’m off to the convent.
Have yourself a thoughtful day, won’t you?

Friday, 22 April 2011


Dear Gadhafi,
This may be the time to say one or two things to you who is responsible for my present condition as a Libyan citizen. You may succeed in silencing me and the rest of us innocent Libyans but the silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed. You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilized value.
You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilized men and women. You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr. Ghaddafi, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me, but to beloved Libya and its people.

One of my really close friends-Raj Perks- happens to be a Libyan citizen. We’ve been through a lot together since the uprising in his country began. He’s lost both parents and is currently living with his godfather in Egypt. Raj is never the kind to stay down for long but this time round the weight of the world has pushed him to the wall. These are the times you look at God and question His love for you. In the end he proves to be what he’s always been-FAITHFUL!

You know God brings some guys to our lives just so we obtain the fruits of the spirit. Many at times they are the total opposite of the fruits we need. And Ghaddafi just happens to be one of them. He was brought my way so I could learn peace, patience, love and self-control. Wait. Why am I trying too hard to be positive??SCRREEEEEEEW YOOOU GADHAFI!!!!!!!nkt!!mph!!Ok, why am I allowing him access to my hormonal balance??? It beats me!!

Raj, if you are reading this, I love you more than ever before. You’ve taught me strength. You’ve taught me the love for life and appreciation for the small miracles in our lives-family and friends. These seemingly little gifts mean much. Yeah, you brought to my knowledge the fact that faith doesn’t necessarily change our circumstances but it gives us the fortitude and strength to hang in there knowing God will fix it for us. Faith shouldn’t be some sporadic bursts.

And to whoever is reading this and has, at any point in their lives, been a victim of such Libyan situation, just hang in there. Saying I understand what you’re going through would be a fat lie but am praying for you. Now is not the time to give up on your case. There are never hopeless situations, just hopeless attitudes. Keep your hate for wrong and love for life burning. Peace up.                          


Thursday, 21 April 2011


,I’ve been in the salon the whole morning and I’m having a splitting headache. I can’t laugh, can’t smile…ouch!! *pain*.  My scalp is taut and any sense of humor is just not welcome. All my funny friends are not exactly loved right now!! Just in case you’re wondering, Alizo has real natural African hair-thick, kinky, dark (cool), tough, and just not growing at the pace she’ll marvel at!!mmph! And this is in my prayer timetable-stop smiling-because if all it takes is divine intervention for this hair to grow, then why not!! Enough of my teenage tantrums.
Now here’s my conclusion: the greater the capacity for beauty, the greater the sensitivity to pain. You couldn’t have put it any better yourself, could you? But today I want to look at it from a success point of view and so allow me to say “the greater the capacity for success the greater the sensitivity to pain.” There’s a huge difference between desire and fulfillment. Desire is more of ambition if am not wrong while fulfillment is the actual achievement of our set ambitions. Perfect epitome of teenage deepness!!!Hehehe..
Sometimes I tend to desire more than I can achieve-perspective. The sad news is that I’m not alone in this. Get me right, am not asking you to be under ambitious. Over ambition may be dangerous but small dreams also don’t take us anywhere. Just make sure you don’t break your neck and those of other people as you race to the top. But all it takes is self knowledge for one to be able to balance your ambition and your gifts and talents.
Desire is sweet, fulfillment is bitter. A fruit that looks enticing and sweet on a tree may not be as sweet as it seems. What I mean is this: nothing comes easy. My elder brother (Omondi Otieno) in his royal rightness tells me safety lies only in mediocrity. But I never settle for average stuff. If you want to be the best (winner) in your field, then you better be prepared for storms and cataracts as your life flows. So as long as you yearn for success, safety is never an option. The safer you are, the higher your chances of failure…this is open to negation.
I’m now prettier, fresher and more presentable thanks to the pain I was able to face and endure. Actually, I went to the salon after loads of contemplation and going back there for a new hairdo is not one of the things I look forward to. I might go for a manicure check or a pedicure double check…but for the sake of my image, I have no otherwise. Plus I think I just love me too much to do nothing about me. I desire to look well groomed and fulfilling this ain’t easy.  No, am going to shave!!!Ok, wait, am I just about to give up on my hair? Now, do me favor: I’ve yourself a fabulous day! Remember not to wish more than you can achieve. Lol!!


I began this cold, bright Thursday morning with a mood of celebration. This is because it is a special day for me and my best friend-Sila Joy Monthe: it was three years ago to this day, that our garland of friendship was first watered. It’s our third anniversary!!! Trust me when I say Monthe, who I’ll preferably refer to as Sunshine, is oblivious of this. And in case she knew it yesterday, she’s probably forgotten about it. That’s just her-gold fish memory. But despite all her ginormous shortcomings, I still love her!!
For most of the time, we have been living comfortably-mainly happily given our almost similar attitudes towards life. I’m not trying to say we’ve not had our share of up and downs. We’ve had them, several in fact!! The friendship almost came to an end while I was in high school but seriously we had come such a long way to just let everything fall apart. The circumstances around me were just making it hard for her to trust me as she used to. I was hurt too and didn’t know where to place her-frenemy or friend? But I understood it all, sat with her and sorted our issues. Now we’re still going strong-thank God.
Both of us are into poetry, Russian politics and philosophy. We’re also avid readers. But while I do the criticizing, she does the analyzing. Now this is what friendship is all about-filling each other’s weaknesses with our strengths and together working on them for the better. Thanks to Sunshine, am less of a critic and now good at weighing options before I make my decisions. I’ve also learnt to trust my ideas however crazy they might seem. What would I ever do without her? For pete’s sake she even tells me what to wear to a date! Look, she’s my beautician, nutritionist, financial adviser, psychotherapist, love, mum, you name it! She keeps my sanity on check.  And boy oh boy ain’t I lucky!
We are what the Russians would call entuziasts-ladies with a mission in life, with the physical energy to carry it out and the mental determination to see it through. Not obsessive, but not far from it either. Whenever we have the bit between our teeth, we never let go. We never take chances with our lives. We live life to the fullest. We also never spare each other. She doesn’t just sit back and watch me make a stupid decision.
Friendships can be volatile and valuable all at the same time. They can blow up right on our faces and we would do nothing about them. They make us feel loved, valuable and for that matter human. These are some of the small miracles in our lives that we should constantly be grateful for. While the friendship lasts, make your friends know what they mean to you. Have a friendly day, won’t you?

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Hair Diaries: Curly Girl in London: Update!

The Hair Diaries: Curly Girl in London: Update!: "This post has been long overdue. Things were just so busy for the first two weeks that I didn't have time to sit down and post a long one fo..."

Saturday, 2 April 2011


Today I had the time to just sit back and reflect on my past. This was triggered by the realization that I actually had no clear idea as to what direction I wanted my life to take.Sad to say but for all the years i've been on earth, i've been doing more of existing than actual living.this is true for most of us i know...hehe.
so yes, I was able to bring my life to a stop,reconnect with my past.

And i realised there were mistakes i made that i am not proud of and would never do again.There were also lies I told that i would have done without.Well,I told them to save my own skin but now i know those stuff i did were actually more pardonable than the lies i told to escape them.There are people(so many) that I hurt along the way.There are also close friends with whom we don't talk anymore simply because we argued over something stupid and were just too proud to accept each other's wrongs.There are family and friends i wronged but never was wise enough to apologise to.

All these people and events featured in my past have played a huge role in shaping who I am today. Thanks to them, am stronger,wiser,smarter and a bit more truswtworty.Most of them made me discover the great potential in me and exactly how much i can i apologised to all who deserved it and thanked all those i could get hold of.

It was time i decided what i want to see happening in my life.T ruth be told, there are guys i just can't shut out on my way up and those are the people i needed to reconnect with.Many of us tend to trash some of the little satellites we meet on our way to our destiny but this shouldn't be.Everyone and everything hasit's own unique role in our lives.Have yourself a frugal day,won't you?